Saturday, May 23, 2009

homosexuality is of christ

homosexuality is of christ. actually, to be more clear supporting, affirming, and celebrating homosexuality is christ.

(1)homosexuals have never been found wanting in any sector of society compared to heterosexuals. they are not less a brother, friend, attorney, administrator,neighbor, father, soldier,neighbor,etc.

(2)homosexuals bond in the same spirit as heterosexuals, that is out of love, trust, devotion, affection, respect for committed shared life together.

(3)jesus said "we would recognize them by their fruits". homosexual believing marriages are filled with the fruit of the spirit in the same way as heterosexual believing marriages.

(4)jesus also said a "good tree cannot produce bad fruit and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit." homosexuals proclaim that there orientation is good postive and affirming and their lives are filled with the fruit of the spirit. could you say the same thing of those who said the same thing of murder, adultery, and thievery. would the essence of their lives that stood on this proclamation be filled with the fruit of the spirit. of course not. yet it is for homosexuals.

those who chose to keep one foot firmly implanted in the old covenant by continuing a deut 28 relationship to god thru the law, do it by assigning meaning to verses in spite of their words. there is no scripture that says homosexuality is a sin.(kjv) this so called understanding or teaching has been passed down generationally and culturally for 700 years among non believers as well as believers.

this becomes obvious in that those who hold this understanding are unable to explain how the words of of the verses that they have assigned meaning to actually actually say this.